Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo work featured on CityLine TV show

On the CITY-TV program CITYLINE, 4 of my images are featured in a segment hosted by Brian Gluckstein on the creative uses of photography in home decor.
The show will air on Thursday, Dec 6 on CityLine. 9 am & 3 pm in Toronto. CityLine is also aired in major cities across Canada and an online version of the show will be on the CityLine website for 3 months. I am very grateful to Mary Dobson, a colleague at Georgian College in the interior decorating program for putting my name forward and getting my work on the show.

Link to the RUST NEVER SLEEPS series on my website.

Link to CityLine tv show

Here is one of the images featured on the show.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to pick a favourite.. this is incredible.
