Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo work featured on CityLine TV show

On the CITY-TV program CITYLINE, 4 of my images are featured in a segment hosted by Brian Gluckstein on the creative uses of photography in home decor.
The show will air on Thursday, Dec 6 on CityLine. 9 am & 3 pm in Toronto. CityLine is also aired in major cities across Canada and an online version of the show will be on the CityLine website for 3 months. I am very grateful to Mary Dobson, a colleague at Georgian College in the interior decorating program for putting my name forward and getting my work on the show.

Link to the RUST NEVER SLEEPS series on my website.

Link to CityLine tv show

Here is one of the images featured on the show.

Monday, November 26, 2012

John Paul Caponigro

One of my favorite photographers, as is his father Paul Caponigro.
A great blog with inspiring images and ideas.
This image is from a blog post on focus-stacking > link

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sony Holds First Real Time Photo Exhibition

From PetaPixel -
Imagine a photography exhibition in which all the photographs on the walls are being captured by their respective photographers in real-time around the world. That’s the kind of show Sony put on this past Thursday in London: the world’s first real-time digital photography exhibition.

Photography Served

Some great photography portfolios presented here.

It is part of the Behance Network > link to Photography Projects

Here are some samples

Into The Fray

Meet 2011 TED Prize Winner: JR

I love the TED talks. JR is a true winner. Inspiring. Crossing borders. Crossing boundaries. Images speak louder than words and are the universal language.

Oren Lavie - "Her Morning Elegance" A Quarter Past Wonderful

This is an oldie (how ironic that an oldie is now something from 2009). But timeless. Brings a smile everytime.

For me one of the best timelapse videos ever. Enjoy.

Philippe Echaroux

Wow - all i can say is wow. Check out the personal work. Dark. Ironic. Moving.

Nice video showing how he shoots strangers on the street. Well done.

Philippe Echaroux website

The Difference Between a Photographer and an Artist

This is an incisive essay a must read for any photographer, artist or "art-photographer" out there.

The Difference Between a Photographer and an Artist

However I cannot help but wonder at the need for labels. Perhaps they are important, but to whom?
As for me, I just want to make pictures, as I love the whole process.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Rick Mereki - Independant Filmmaker

3 Videos by Rick Mereki - excellent!


MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.


EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.


LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

Black & White to Colour - Eran Amir

A fun video converting an image form black and white to colour in real time.

And a BTS video

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quang Lee

This guy is totally inspirational, and the video is amazing even if long. I suggest you watch the whole interview. I love how humble Quang Lee is about his work, his opportunities and his emphasis on relationships in his work. Excellent stuff.
Watch the video

here is a link to his website - Quang Lee
This is a great video for photo students - it's ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS. Do what you love.

Eric Johansson - Photo & Retouch

A great creative mind combining photo and retouching to realize his vision.

 here is a link to his site > Eric Johansson
here is a BTS video on the making of the above image - Cut and Fold

Daily Dose

There are a few photography sites I check almost every day for inspiration, information or just because...

PDN Photo of the Day (Photo District News)

The Big Picture - one of the first and still one of the best sites for great images on daily themese.

While not really a photo site per se, I check this one daily just to see the latest news on various Photo related topics.
AllTop news - this is a web aggregation site, that sorts websites into categories and them presents the latest entries form those sites.  I find this so useful to scan multiple sites on a single page.
AllTop - mainpage
AllTop Photography
AllTop Photoshop
AllTop Lightroom
AllTop Nikon
AllTop Canon

PetaPixel - definitely a keeper. Everyday there is good stuff here.

f/Stoppers - another must see daily photo/video blog -

DPReview - this is the best site for information about Camera equipment. Great and extensive reviews of equipment. The forums are very helpful as well.

Stuck in Customs - Trey Ratcliff's well known HDR & travel site. I dont visit this site every day, but at least twice a week. I find that Trey makes me think about photography differently  - good for lateral thinking as he challenges assumptions.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Urban Projection Mapping

These are great examples of Urban Projection mapping - also known as 3D Video mapping

NuFormer - an early work

NuFormer - 3D Video Mapping Projection on Buildings from NuFormer on Vimeo.

Revised from the earlier work

555 Kubik by Urban Screen
A Samsung 3D TV ad by NuFormer - effective

NuFormer, 3D video mapping (one take) - Samsung, Amsterdam, the Netherlands - May 2010 from NuFormer on Vimeo.

Another one by IllumeNight promoting the film The Tourist in Dallas, TX

Ian Ruhter : Alchemist

"There is a point in every person's life when they must choose to follow their dreams or be stuck in the life they fear."

Artist - Silver & Light

A remarkable story of exploration and discovery through photography... old style.
An inspiration to all photographers.

Video - American Dream

American Dream from Ian Ruhter : Alchemist on Vimeo.

Shinichi Maruyama

Incredible images of fluids and bodies in motion captured over time.
Here is a video of Shinichi at work

Water Sculpture from Shinichi Maruyama on Vimeo.

 From the series "Nude" at the Shinichi Maruyama website

PetaPixel article on his work.
"Although the photographs look like long-exposure shots, they’re actually composite images created by combining ten thousand individual photographs of each dancer. The result is a look in which each model’s body is (mostly) lost within the blur of its movement."

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Friday, November 16, 2012

Paris in Motion

Time lapse videos that move over large distances. These are great, well worth watching.

Paris In Motion (Part I) from Mayeul Akpovi on Vimeo.

Paris In Motion (Part II) from Mayeul Akpovi on Vimeo.

Making Of - Paris In Motion from Mayeul Akpovi on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Work of Eric Curry

A modern day Normal Rockwell

link to Eric Curry's website

His book is on my wish list
link to Amazon

Berndnaut Smilde

His indoor cloudscapes are amazing.

Clouds created indoors with lighting & smoke machine. No Photoshop.
Check out his website.
Berndnaut Smilde -

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spain - HDR time lapse

Very well produced HDR time lapse

Spain from Ben on Vimeo.

Time Lapse of volcano - Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull

One of my favorite time laspe videos. Captured in Iceland on May 1 & 2, 2010.

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.

Photographed by
Music performed by Jónsi - Kolniður (lead singer of Sigur Ros) - Jó
 Canon 5DMkII
Computer controlled tracking rail by Dynamic Perception
The Dynamic Perception website has some great time lapse videos shot by customers.

Sub Zero - Dakota Lapse

DakotaLapse - Sub Zero
A great HD video. Open in You Tube and watch in HD.

Alex Roman

 A more recent work by Alex Roman, a commercial produced for Silestone kitchens. Stunning realism, all CG.

Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else' from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

Stunning video created by one artist and one computer.
This video is all CGI, inspiring what one person can accomplish.

The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

Here is a link to an interview with the artist Jorge Seva.
Interview Link

Here is another link to another interview with Jorge Silva (Alex Roman) by Chaos Group, makers of V-Ray rendering engine software for 3DS Max, Maya and others.
Interview Link

Light Graffiti

The graffiti animation reminded me of another type of animated graffiti painted with light.
This is old but still fun.

Check out the PIKAPIKA website for more recent projects

Here are some link pages for light graffiti, lots of light art here:

Graffiti Animation

I have been so impressed with graffiti animation (not to mention graffiti that doesn't move).
Here's the first one that impressed me from BluBlu called MUTO


The sequel was even better

And today I came across a new graffiti animation that takes it to a whole new level
Life is Porno 4D


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Excellent - worth every minute and a great reminder to all artists.

Some web tools I find useful

Stumble Upon
You can follow what I add here although it's getting somewhat large.

This is for me a lifesaver and is so transparent I forget its there, but reassuring to know that everything I put into the dropbox is available on any device where dropbox is installed. I only use this for documents as images would take too much room. One of the best applications for it is my class notes as I can drop my class notes on here and have them available almost immediately on myiPad which I have in class with me. Just a great tool that really simplifies my life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Digital Art sites

It is early days for digital artistry, here are some sites that take more than my breath away.
Here, the photo is just the starting point...

Dave Hill Photo

Fluid Effect

Amy Dresser
Amy shows before and after images on her portfolio pages.

Christophe Huet
Inspiring digital art work - contains "Making of" sequences

Rodney Pike - Humorous Illustrator

Jerry Uelsmann
His work started it all for me... he still has it... always will.

Maggie Taylor

Alexa Meade

Ashes and Snow
I think Gregory Colbert is not of this world.

Dominic Rouse

Rocket Art

John Fulton

Carl Warner Photographer
Foodscapes master

Small Dog Image Works

Portus Imaging
LA based retouching boutique

Pixel Refinery
Michal Horevaj
[creative image enhancement and retouching]

Sugar Digital
Great Before and After views

Raygun Studio

Taylor James
Creative Production Studio

Daniel Pacini
Before & After views

Mandy Strong
Before and After views

Hollywood Retouching
Good site to get a sense of retouching levels of production

Eric Curry
American Pride and Passion
A modern day Norman Rockwell

Aurum Light
Jarek Wieczorkiewicz does amazing things with liquids... and imaging.

If you know of other inspiring sites, let me know.
A place to inspire and be inspired. This is where I will collect in one place, thoughts, feelings, intuitions and whatever might come along that informs, reflects and inspires me.

In the hope that you too will be inspired in making your art and your life.

Anton (Tony) Pickard